August 29, 2013

dear dad

dear dad,

i'm 26 now so i'm not very little anymore, but i'm still your little girl. i always will be. you've been my protector, my leader, my encourager, my confidant, my coach, my provider, and my hero for as long as i can remember. you love big. you don't judge. you give freely.

i've only just begun to understand the magnitude of all that you've done for our family. you've sacrificed so much and i have no doubt you would do it all again without hesitation. you prioritize and plan with wisdom. you have given me a foundation and a fighting chance to make a difference in this world. you've entrusted my life to my Creator and steered me towards Him from the moment my mind could comprehend.

dad, i owe so much to you. i owe more to my other Dad, but you have been a picture of Him to me for 26 years (and counting). thanks for setting the bar high and for loving people well. your integrity and commitment to the gospel inspire me.

i love you. happy birthday!!




live unashamedly :: laugh uncontrollably :: love unconditionally.

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