September 6, 2013

grandparents day gratitude

well, sunday is grandparents day. check the subtext on your wall calendar if you're old fashioned like me and still have one. grin.

a friend sent me this article a while back and i loved it. so creative! too often, i feel we look at older generations and write them off as "out of touch", "outdated", or what have you. we, myself included, fail to recognize that these men and women endured some of our nation's toughest days and are a stockpile of wisdom that is largely untouched.

maybe i'm hyper-sensitive to this since i recently said goodbye to my last biological grandparent, but i have a hunch it's not just a me thing. there are lessons to be learned, stories to be heard, wisdom to be gleaned.

on this grandparents day, i'm rejoicing that the Lord graciously placed two sweet couples in my church family years ago. they have become grandparents to me over the years and i am so grateful for their faithful love, encouragement, teasing about my tar heels (both are avid wolfpack fans), and prayers.

[at Clemson, 2007]

please note that they are wearing carolina blue in that picture. that's a big deal for these four wolfpack fans. they made a one-time exception and the significance of that gesture was not lost on me. also note that bill is throwing up a wolfpack sign. sigh. some things will never change.

so jim, sara, bill, and mary dot...i don't know if you'll see this. but if you do, know that i love you. you are a blessing and you are making a difference in this girl's life. hugs, and go heels!


live unashamedly :: laugh uncontrollably :: love unconditionally.


Grown Up Mom said...

I'm honored to be in your blog roll with Christy and Beth Moore! Nancy

bekah brinkley said...

You're welcome, Nancy! I love your blog. :)