December 29, 2010

day 29: defining moment

defining moment. describe a defining moment or series of events that has affected your life this year.

hmmm...once again, i can't pinpoint a single moment. but i can look back and see the Lord's hand at work in numerous ways. both big and small. He is preparing me for what's next. i have no idea what or where that is, but i know this is a season of preparation. a time for me to pursue Him. a time for me to trust. to grow. to glean wisdom and insight from those He places in my life.

this year He has rekindled old friendships, begun new ones, and graciously maintained so many. i'm blessed. i know that some people come into my life for a season and some are here for the long haul. but either way, i know that each person carries the opportunity for me to learn something more about my Creator God. a new truth. a gentle reminder. an encouragement to press on. a challenge to heed. i pray that my eyes and heart would always be open to the Lord working through each person He puts in my path. however long or short that may be.

2010 was a year of growth. a year of taking chances, making changes, and walking forward in obedience. (and i can't imagine that 2011 will be an exception.) i'm taking these lessons with me as i walk into a new year with unseen challenges and difficult decisions that inevitably lie ahead.

may my eyes continue to be open to the ways the Lord is working in my life daily to draw me into a deeper understanding of Him and desire to pursue Him above all else.


live unashamedly. laugh uncontrollably. love unconditionally.

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