December 28, 2010

day 28: achieve

achieve. what's the thing you most want to achieve next year? how do you imagine you'll feel when you get it? free? happy? complete? blissful? write that feeling down. then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.

discipline. discipline in every area of my life. i'm not completely undisciplined, but i've come to realize in the past few months just how much i need a bigger dose of it in my life. i look at my constant exhaustion, poor diet, and neglected relationships as three strong pieces of evidence not in my favor.

2011 will bring changes for me. i'm stubborn. and i've set my mind to it. stubbornness is only a character flaw when you're wrong. and in this case, i know i'm not wrong in saying i need to step up my game. a quote that i came across years ago has been ringing in my head non-stop since i decided that discipline was going to be my theme for 2011.

"the pain of self-discipline is far less than the pain of regret."

i know that my discipline will bring a host of feelings for me. freedom. peace. rest. confidence. intimacy. passion. strength. trust. determination. honor.

i'm ready for the challenges that lie ahead in the new year and i'm ready to celebrate the victories that i know will come. but not by any of my doing. my disciplined approach is well-intentioned, but the glory will still be only His when i succeed.


live unashamedly. laugh uncontrollably. love unconditionally.

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