November 28, 2010

incredibly blessed

hopefully everyone has had a fabulous thanksgiving with time to wind down and relax with great family and friends. i, for one, am incredibly blessed and continue to rejoice over the people i have in my life. i've been home for (almost) a week now, and it has been perfect. i've visited with friends & family, napped, shopped, read, and had a few adventures thrown in the mix as well. perfection.

mom and dad are always gracious in letting me come and go while i'm "home" and are always up for my friends popping in for visits as well. this time, we had quite the crew come through the front door at 218 Cedar View Drive. it was refreshing to be around friends and relive funny memories. it was also great being one of the shortest in the house. i love being with my volleyball girls whenever possible because being a "shortie" is a rare treat.

today is also the one year anniversary of the day i lost my Mimi. click here to read my thoughts from a post last year. it's hard to believe it's been a year without Mimi. she and i share the same love of travel and i'm sad she isn't around to hear more stories of my crazy adventures. Mimi left behind a great legacy and i have some big shoes to fill. literally. Mimi was a 12. i'm just an 11. don't hate.

thanks to each of you for your encouragement throughout this year and for making me laugh on a consistent basis. i'm grateful for the ways the Lord has used to you sharpen me and challenge me in 2010.


live unashamedly. laugh uncontrollably. love unconditionally.

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