November 6, 2014

His touch | manyen Bondye a

it’s amazing how powerful touch can be. as powerful as a smile can be, touch is even more powerful. the women we worked with at the nightclub are accustomed to a touch that degrades, uses, and devalues. we were able to touch these women and bring hope, love, tenderness, and joy. but only through Jesus. we cannot bring any of those things for we, too, are broken and in need of healing touch.

we are His beloved. His touch binds our broken hearts and makes us whole. His touch brings life and hope. His touch says, "you are loved. you are beautiful. not because of what you can give Me or do for Me, but because you are Mine. i know you and i love you. i bought you in love to set you free. now go and live in the freedom of My love for you."

it is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
[galatians 5:1]

now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
[2 corinthians 3:17]

as humbling and encouraging as it was to serve these women with our tender touch, it made it even more difficult to watch as they received a tap on the shoulder for their next appointment where they would receive a very different type of touch. these women shared openly with us how they long for another way to provide for their families, but they don't have a choice. there is already a limited job market in haiti and many of these women are illiterate. it is heartbreaking to watch them wrestle with the desire to live differently, but not have the opportunity to do so. their children are hungry, and rice and beans are often payment for sex. what's a mom to do?

Jesus, make another way for these women to use their minds, their hands, and their voices. 

while i held the hand of each woman, looked into her eyes, tenderly massaged lotion into her skin, and carefully painted her fingernails, i felt Him. Emmanuel, God with us.

and before my pride of being His hands could even take root, He brought me to my knees as these women asked if they could paint our fingernails in return. oh, what tenderness. oh, what a gift. i am a woman undone.

He is relentless in His pursuit of my affection. He used women working as prostitutes to minister to my soul with simple strokes of a beautiful maroon nail polish as i sat in the center of a nightclub in a seaside village in haiti. that’s my God.


live unashamedly :: laugh uncontrollably :: love unconditionally

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