March 31, 2011

comfort foods

my apologies for the lapse in posting. i'm in a mad sprint to the finish with my club volleyball kiddos and with my current job. two more club tournaments, practices in between, and beginning to train my replacement. all while packing my life into boxes for the big move in 25 days. i don't leave until the 28th, but my stuff leaves on the 25th. ack!!!

all that to say, blogging hasn't been high on the list of things to do. but, i figured in light of the ugly wet, gray, cold weather we've had, i'd share a list of my favorite comfort foods. as i'm knocking things off my "i wanna do this before i leave" list, i'm realizing that 80% of them revolve around food. no surprise there. this girl loves to eat. i work out so i can eat. duh! here goes...

spinach squares

stuffed crust pizza

hershey kiss cookies (best with peanut butter cookie dough)

grilled cheese and tomato soup

pigs in a blanket

live unashamedly :: laugh uncontrollably :: love unconditionally.


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groupe-sanguine said...

Lovely, you make my day. I will make this for my mother on her birthday.