January 21, 2011

Jesus is worthy

the second "breakout session" i chose to attend was David Platt. having recently read his book Radical, i was interested to hear him unpack it a little more. he brought the Word. passionately. the Spirit is in him. He is living for Jesus. for the Kingdom. advancing the Gospel.

David took us to Luke 9:57-62 and unpacked more of what it costs to follow Christ. what that looks like. why He's worth forsaking all others. he made three points...

1: Jesus is worthy of all my trust
Jesus isn't just the means to an end. He is the end. I come to Jesus to get Jesus. nothing else. i don't come to Him wanting peace, affirmation, health, security, answers, or anything else. i come to Jesus for Jesus. all the rest will come when i have Him. question: is Jesus enough for me or will i continue to come to Him seeking "stuff"?

2: Jesus is worthy of all my plans & dreams
God wants the gospel and His glory proclaimed to all people groups around the world. that's His will. i have to stop making it something else. make my life count for His glory instead of the things this world views as successful. my one purpose: advance the Kingdom of God.

3: Jesus is worthy of all my affections
following Him involves total and undivided affection.

"teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your Truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." (psalm 86:11)

when you know God deeply, you love God truly and passionately. you find something (Someone) worth losing everything for! you forsake all others, in joy, to pursue Him.

"the Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. when a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." (matthew 13:44)

every day is a new opportunity to declare that Jesus is worth of my trust, plans, dreams, and affections. every decision i make reflects the condition of my heart and whether i truly believe He is worth it. whether i come to Jesus for Jesus or i come to Him for something else. if He is my supreme desire, i'll be satisfied with Him. i won't come asking for anything else. i won't come seeking peace, security, fame, stability, success, or anything else. i will come seeking Him. my appetite will be Him. Jesus.

live unashamedly :: laugh uncontrollably :: love unconditionally.


Chunky Knubby Navel said...

Wonderful post! It is so encouraging to stumble on a Christian blogger =)


bekah brinkley said...

well, i'm glad you found me! :)