September 23, 2010

called out

This should humor most of you. In the last 3 weeks, I’ve been called out in numerous ways for my amount of Andy’s consumption. Now, before you judge me, let me explain myself. Andy’s is a cup full of heaven on your taste buds. I’ve never had “ice cream” that comes close to comparing with the perfection contained in an Andy’s concrete. Frozen Custard. Smoother and creamier than you can imagine. Rich and yummy and delicious. I’m an Andy’s snob. Even joined the Yum Squad ( I won’t go to Culver’s, McDonald’s, TCBY, Orange Leaf, Coldstone, Marble Slab or even Dairy Queen unless it’s a dire emergency. Andy’s puts all of them to shame. Yogurt Pump (affectionately termed “yopo”) is a close second, but I can’t exactly hop a flight to Chapel Hill every time a craving hits.

Now as to how I got called out: One of my players’ friends apparently works at Andy’s and proceeded to tell her that I’m there every time she’s working. Oops!! Then I had one of the guys who works there tell me “oh, we know who you are” when I asked for the Kanakuk discount. And last but not least, one of my other players told me that she spotted me from where she was on “the strip” with her family. Awesome.

No worries. I’m secure in my level of Andy’s consumption. I maintain my workout schedule so that I can continue in my Andy’s obsession. At least I know where my priorities lie. I’ll take a Snowmonster add banana or a Pretzel & Melted Chocolate Chip concrete any day of the week.


live unashamedly. laugh uncontrollably. love unconditionally.

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