June 7, 2009

komo 19

kamp is underway and i have 12 girls in komo 19 (some of the oldest girls in kamp). it's been a challenge already. my girls are great, but have a lot of issues and things to work through. i'm being stretched. i also have a lot on my plate...more than years past...but it's a good challenge. i love every aspect of it. i really do. i'm just learning how to divide my time and realize that i can't be everything for everyone. i can't be their Jesus. side note: my co-counselor, Natalie, is awesome and is doing a phenomenal job connecting with our girls and handling the wide assortment of issues being thrown our way. such an answer to prayer!!!!

unfortunately i don't have any word on Willie's sentencing from a few weeks ago. i wish i could update you on that and have more information, but i just don't. it has been weighing on my heart though. please keep praying. i'll let you know when i hear something.

on a different note, i'm enjoying my time off and having a house to come relax in. i can do my laundry here, check the internet, watch tv, and just relax as i get refreshed for kamp again. it's also nice to be able to cook a little bit on my time off and get back into the real world in a small way.

sorry this post is short, but i'm pretty weary and can't get to bed fast enough. i would appreciate you praying for me and my girls though. several of them are fighting some pretty big battles, struggling with guilt from their past, and wrestling with some hard issues that are battling for their heart right now. please be praying!! on a more personal note, it's also tough to balance being hands on with those few girls while also being intentional with my other 8 or 9 girls. be praying for discernment and for me to be using my time wisely and intentionally.

that's all for now. i'll check in again when i get another day off!

so the world may know,
bekah <><

live for Jesus. laugh uncontrollably. love unconditionally.

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