about me

it's not.

i'm just a 29 year old on a mission. a mission to serve my King and offer my life as one continuous act of worship that honors Him. i am part of a bigger story unfolding around me and i want the world to know and encounter the joy i've found in serving my King. God does not exist to make a big deal out of me. i exist to make a big deal out of Him. my life is a broken sacrifice and i am ready and willing to follow wherever He leads me.

i was born in georgia to a football-coaching dad (and a very supportive mom) who soon after my birth left the coaching world and has been in sports ministry ever since. i'm the oldest of two girls. raised in western north carolina. i graduated from the university of north carolina in 2008. my four years with carolina volleyball changed me. i bleed carolina blue. and i will forever be a tar heel.

i'm blessed with a godly heritage and a phenomenal family. i don't deserve the love and grace my friends continually give. relationships are everything to me. my family and my friends mean more to me than i can express, but my identity is found in Christ and i am His.

i'm learning to slow down. i'm obnoxiously organized. i have a backup planner in case my iPhone crashes. i live by my lists. i make my bed every morning. 
i love the mountains but i've learned to appreciate the beach. i play volleyball as much as i can and i love coaching my kiddos. i love traveling to new places. i don't capitalize most words, but i'm a grammar and spelling guru. i enjoy sending and receiving snail mail. i want to love others well. and i want to live each day to the fullest.

welcome to my crazy life,