January 28, 2009

snow day fun day

today was incredibly fun! after lunch a group of us went on an expedition in search of hills to sled down. we found some. flashback to my childhood. we ended up sledding down the waterslide at K-Kountry. it was ridiculously scary and fun at the same time. i always get a huge rush on things like this. :) we also made snow angels in the K-Kountry pool, sledded down the big hill at K-1, and trekked across the rickety walking bridge from K-Kountry to K-1, wobbled our way across the log bridge at K-1 and managed not to fall into the icy water below. to recap: it was a really, really, really fun day. here are some pics that attempt to capture the fun. we also saw some of God's awesomeness and how He plays with snow and ice. all in all, i had a blast today. have a great weekend wherever you are, and i hope you have snow too!!! :)

snow and palm trees aren't something you see together all that often

my fellow daredevils who sledded down the giant waterslide at k-kountry

with Kat and Mary before sledding down the waterslide

the coolest icy branches i've ever seen!!

this is by far my favorite picture from the whole day.

so the world may know,
bekah <><

live for Jesus. laugh uncontrollably. love unconditionally.

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